Your YouTube Audience -> Community -> Customers is it posible?

A Community tool call Skool user,Akassh Gupta uses Skool to turn his YouTube audience into customers.
He has a YouTube channel with 1.02m subscribers.

But he ran into a Problem! 

On YouTube,It video player Platform and his audience couldn't talk to one another or collaborate on their common goals together. only they comment.

But Akassh heard about Skool and found this Solution! 
Akassh started a free Skool community where his audience can collaborate and learn together.

What's his community about? Growing a successful YouTube Channel.

Did he make money from his free Skool community? Absolutely at big time.

Akassh uses Skool to gamify his free community with levels, prizes, and un lockables to make learning with him fun.

As a result, some of his community naturally wants to learn how to work with him further, and they convert into customers of his mastermind.

Would you like to turn your audience into a community and ultimately customers? If so,

>>> Create your Skool Community with a 14-Day FREE Trial <<<
