Want to know how to make 💰 from your expertise, without making a course?
A User of this community tool call Blake La Grange has figured out how to achieve this on Skool.
There are multiple facets to this "community-only" strategy that Blake has pioneered, such as why:
Being passionate about your talent should be the starting point
Actively listening to your community is crucial
Starting a free community is the best way to learn your market's real-time problems (so you can help them fix them via chat + calls)
Converting highly engaged free members into paid members of a smaller, more committed community works really well
Measuring a new metric – fruitfulness – helps monitor the quality + engagement of his communities
Interested in learning more?
Blake posted an article summarizing how this strategy works and how he developed it, after selling his previous course/info company.
If you want to start your expert business and make good income and earn mobey faster,
or, be less reliant on making new/updated course content, this strategy is for you.